The past few days, the usual life isn't as smooth as it is and there's been loads of ups and downs..
I've been in a new class of W35K, life was hectic once again, but with no grudges.. (as i'm rather happy to be back in RP studying).
Met some new friends, apparently, knowing the whole class THOROUGHLY on the 3rd or 4th day sch-reopen.
Trying to get W15J back together again, but somehow it is less efficient than the last semester.. T.T*
Met some new friends, apparently, knowing the whole class THOROUGHLY on the 3rd or 4th day sch-reopen.
No matter what, i still get to know some nice people in the new class such as
Nan Shun,
Raynz (Kaih Shen),
Farhan a.k.a. Joker =)
The new facilitators' are rather alright but my 1st two weeks encounter with them, wasn't too good. I got my 2 Cs earlier than expected.. T.T.. I only got my first C during the 2nd term of last semester.. T.T.. (Comm and Cognitive)
(the comm facilitator doesn't give chance at all.. i guess i'm going to have a hard time scoring an A)
Water Polo:
Wasn't going too well.. Bah.. I don't really care about it anyways.. Hope that i'll just move along and attend the usual Tues (not stable) and Thurs trainings.. Fun though.. But, the interest towards it is declining in me.
POL-ite's POLO meet's coming round the corner but later than IVP swimming meet. Can't even bear to think about it.. Or should say in the other way round? (don't even bother to think about it.. ROFLOLMAOMG)
Since the Olympics Season, it had strongly motivated me, as though reviving the dead spirit once again, i'm back into intensive training period again.
Moving towards my Peak =).
I've been going down for training at least 5 times a Week, (due to club's Monday permanent off, and at times tuesday's polo is called off).
Very grateful to my coach, ever since he's back from China. Finally, i'm training under his training program. Besides, he's been teaching me, trying to improve me.
Rather strict and focus on me during trainings. But, i don't mind. Because i felt that, i'm getting better, getting a hang of the training now.
Boosted my confidence, endurance, stamina, speed, power and blah blah...
IVP's swimming meet is coming round the corner, rather, somewhat nervous about it. There are loads of Pro swimmers such as Danny, Khalis, Benjamin, a guy from my swim team (still dunno his name) & the boyfriend of Carmen (ps, i forgotten the name). Also, the swimmers from Universities (stressed up!).
I'm rather disappointed.. Because, RP isn't giving me my 50m free event..i'm trying to clock my new time of 25 or 26 sec.. T.T nvm.. they gave it to some other 2 guys.. But just in case if they get absent, at least i can take over (but i know the probability's low..-.-).
Friday, 19th sept, a teribbly lazy and boring day for me.. On the particular day, it felt as though everyone's leaving me..
After school, i gotta wait for one hour before i set off for swimming at toa payoh straight for school. During the one hour, one by one of my classmates left the class. Either the left for work, meeting their friends OR to go home..
I was like.. no words to describe that particular moment. I was bored, feeling like a useless crap, doing my evaluation and quiz (I can't think of what to write for my RJ whenever i'm in school). I stared into space.. Stoning and freezing,

surfing the net aimlessly, stoning in MSN main page, looking at the pathetic amount of people who are online.
Those who usually text, calls, stays back or searching for me, are not doing so.. Wonder where they went. Except for Benji, fighting his way through the Wushu IG..
Then finally, i fell asleep in my chair till the time when the security guard does his usual routine around the classrooms.. Then i set off late by 20 mins for my training.
Saturday, i woke up late...-.-
lazy day for me.. weather's so freaking hot and "amphibians" (always like to be in water) like me, gonna dry and dehydrate sooner or later..Even till now! I went for training soon after a few hours of waking up. Training was tough and i'm having bad HAIR day.. My hair was super hard to manage somehow.. on the day...
Then went for my visit at grandma house right away from TPY to Kallang Bahru.. Had dinner then went into "war" with my cousins, battling terrorists or counter-terrorists..
Sunday, 1 hours earlier ago before i trying to post up my blog now, was another somewhat nice and weird day.. I almost manage to wake up at a earlier time, but somehow i fell asleep and woke up again at 12.30pm. Darn. Then had my late breakfast, surfed the net aimlessly once again and finally, lunch. (looking for some online game to play, but can't find an interesting one.. though.. trying to get a maple private server.. but even after i downloaded it, the programs are all the same. F***ed up)
Hours later, TRAINING TIME!
I set off walking at moderately top speed (habit already). Then...
Bus Stop>>>Bus>>>Bus Stop>>>Northpoint Shopping Mall>>>Took a can of free coffee drink>>>kept it and walk through the crowds as there's a program event going on,
(feel like shouting,"those who are thinking of going somewhere but busybodied around here, please move off to one side!" but of course i won't do that in a crowd in the public.. because there's someone infront of me walking, cleared a path for me to walk.LOL).
walked to the escalator>>>underground passage>>>escalator>>>MRT station>>>Train>>>Toa Payoh>>>MRT station>>>TPY Central>>>HDB Hub>>>Central>>>Overhead bridge...
Then finally, destination finale!
(since i reached toa payoh, spammed up that canned coffee..LOL)
Changed up, refilled my bottle, then jumped into the pool as usuall procedure.. transparent gogs on, black cap and AWAY~
Somehow, i felt powerful.. Tiredless, strengthful, able to feel the water and the training was easily manageable somehow today.. LOL.. dunno why.. but it feel great today.. dunno it's because of miracle or because of that.... COFFEE! (coffee suppose to put me to sleep..(somehow makes me sleep usually..instead of awakening))
Later on, went to bathe then came out of bathing room with extra precaution. Seeking around for any signs of my polo mates. Because they wanted me to go for the 6.30 to 8-9plus training, which i don't usually attend due to various reasons. So gotta avoid before i get pulled there, resulting 4 to 5 hours training in water in TPY regardless polo or swimming..
Reverse routine back to yishun but this time, stucked at the 2nd bus stop of yishun, at the interchange, waiting for my dad and mum.. had dinner with them and i ate quite alot though.. then shop around for a moment or so, then packed some dinner for my sis then went home.
So now i'm typing in now, brief summary of what i can remember clearly of these few days.. Then wondering what would be like tomorrow.. At the same time nervous of what would happen tomorrow because of the horoscope then i've checked in friendster (rather accurate and reliable though)..
hope tomorrow's a better day..
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